2024 VSU Spring Symposium

April 1-5
Webinar  Link
                                    Freshman Learning Communities

 Thank You To Our Wonderful Foundation Sponsors For Making This Possible

 Link for Symposium Archive: Archive Symposium 2023


Symposium winners: URC/symposium-winners-2023.docx

What's for Lunch? series will be hosted from 12-1 PM one Wed. a month. Students and Faculty can attend face-to-face in Ashley 1212 or online.

Feb. 21

Dr. De La Garza Benavides, LSAMP

LSAMP: The Power of Mentoring and Community to Develop Scholars


March 20

Dr. Manning, Chemistry

Oysters, Corals, Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis, What Do They Have in Common?


April 17


 Think Tank is an open forum on anything related to research. VSU community can attend face-to-face in Ashley 1212 or online from 3:00-4:00 PM one WED a month. The entire VSU community is welcome to join us at 3:00- as long as we like.  

 Jan 31

Starting Research Projects
Feb 28
Organizing and Writing up Research Findings
Mar 27
 Finishing and Presenting Research Findings
Dr. FitzGerald--History
Apr 24

VSU Community Research Bulletin Board can be found here. Post research opportunities and needs for students and faculty.  Great place for multi-disciplinary interaction and experiential learning opportunities.

Follow us on Instagram! vsuundergradresearch

Benefits of Participating in Undergraduate Research

  • Experiential Learning
  • Advance resume
  • Develop writing, presentation, and technology skills
  • Prepare for medical school, law school, graduate studies, and business opportunities
  • Attend regional and national conferences 
  • Potential for publication
  • Enjoy the community of student and faculty researchers.

Undergraduate Research Symposium 2019

Additional Resources and Partners

New Media Center

Odum Library


Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion

Office of Social Equity

VSU Community Research Bulletin Board