Master of Education Program

The Valdosta State University College of Education, through its Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, is pleased to offer the Master's of Education Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders.  This program builds upon knowledge acquired during undergraduate study.  Students further refine skills necessary for developing effective interventions to meet unique client requirements in the graduate program. 

The goals of the graduate program are:
  • To prepare students to provide prevention, evaluation, and intervention services for clients from birth to adult with speech, language, voice resonance, swallowing, or hearing disorders
  • To conduct basic research to explain the mechanisms underlying normal and disordered speech, language, and hearing
  • To conduct applied research that will help speech-language pathologists and  audiologists to remediate communicative disorders
  • To provide graduate students with the education to become certified speech-language pathologists, teachers, and/or research scientists
  • To serve the people of the local and larger communities by providing clinical  services and information through the  Speech-Language and Hearing Clinics
  • To be a preeminent resource for the dissemination of information and clinical training strategies to professionals statewide and nationally through presentations at meetings and publications.

View this video to learn about all of the great clinical experiences you will gain at VSU:

Learn more about our graduate program by hearing from some of our professors:

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) education program in speech-language pathology (residential) at Valdosta State University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.


The M. Ed. in speech-language pathology is an approved program of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Students earning the master's degree are eligible for a service certificate (S-5) and the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) awarded by the American Speech-Language-Hearing (ASHA) Association, which allows them to work in the public schools of Georgia, as well as hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation agencies, and private practices.   

Graduate Plan of Study (5 semesters)

Graduate Plan of Study (6 semesters)

Click here for more information.