Promoting Holistic Wellness | Supporting Blazers | Changing Lives

The Office of Health Promotions and Wellness is dedicated to serving the needs of VSU students by providing resources, programming, and events focusing on aspects of health and well-being. This effort is accomplished by collaborating with departments across campus in support of a holistic model. Additionally, the office works closely with the wellness committee to address workplace wellness and the needs of faculty, staff, and student employees.

Specific office areas of focus include:

  • Substance use and safety education, prevention, and referral to decrease the potential negative impact on academic, professional, and social development. Events and programming are supported through the Governor's Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) grant.
  • The office has partnered with the Georgia Prevention Project - College Prevention Partnership (CPP) to offer training and education around opioid and prescription drug misuse. 
  • Mental health awareness and suicide prevention through training and various campus programming. The department works closely with the Mental Health task force. 
  • Healthy relationship education and sexual assault prevention are addressed in collaboration with the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) task force.