Valdosta State University adheres to the SACSCOC policy on Institutional Obligations for Public Disclosure that states, "A candidate or accredited SACSCOC institution is obligated to provide to its students, constituents, and the public information about itself that is complete, accurate, timely, accessible, clear and sufficient.”

Policy Sections

Requirement: “The institution’s current catalog describes the institution consistent with its mission statement and sets forth the obligations and responsibilities of both students and the institution. Institutions relying on electronic catalogs ensure the availability of archival editions sufficient to serve the needs of alumni and former and returning students.”

Response: Valdosta State University’s current academic catalog describes the institution consistent with its mission statement and sets forth the obligations and responsibilities of both students and the institution. The catalog informs students of expectations and includes the following information:

  • general information about the institution’s mission, accreditation, and degrees offered,
  • admissions and enrollment,
  • registration and reentry,
  • academic resources,
  • policies and disclosures,
  • programs of study and required courses,
  • student services,
  • course descriptions,
  • administration and faculty rosters,
  • graduation requirements.

Archived electronic catalogs are available from 1998 to the present for alumni and former and returning students. Catalogs prior to 1998 are available in the VSU Odum Library

Direct content questions to the Catalog Editor. [Top of Page]

Requirement: “All forms of print and electronic communications officially representing the institution are consistent with catalog content and accurately portray the conditions and opportunities available at the institution.”

Response: The Academic Catalog serves as the official document to provide foundational content for all print and web communications. All official printed publications must be designed through the Office of Creative Services which ensures that any incorporated photographs accurately portray conditions and opportunities at VSU, and that the design is consistent with the university’s integrated marketing plan. 

To ensure websites and printed publications content are consistent and accurately portray the institution, the Office of Creative Services work with faculty, staff, and graduate assistants responsible for creating content via web, e-newsletters, printed publications (brochures, flyers, etc.), social media, advertising, and videos.

The VSU Web Services Team is responsible for the development and maintenance of many university web properties including the main university website and the Strategic Communications Department maintains social media. The University’s website contains detailed webpages which depict and describe Campus Life and Academic Life at VSU. 

Direct questions about this requirement to Strategic Communications, Creative Services, or Web Services.  [Top of Page]

Requirement: “The institution publishes the locations and programs available at branch campuses, and other off-campus instructional locations, including those overseas operations at which students can enroll for a degree, along with a description of the programs and services available at each location.”

Response: Valdosta State University does not currently provide instruction at any off-campus instructional locations. Students can easily search and identify courses offered by VSU each term by accessing the Schedule of Classes. VSU offers an extensive array of courses and degree programs online (Undergraduate Programs list and Graduate Programs list). VSU does not operate any campuses overseas; however, students may participate in limited-term Study Abroad educational experiences and exchanges for an additional fee.

Direct questions about this requirement to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.  [Top of Page]

Requirement: "The institution publishes statements of its goals for student achievement and the success of students in achieving those goals. Information on student success may include reliable information in retention, graduation, course completion, licensure examinations, and job placement rates and other measures of student success appropriate to institutional mission.”

Response: Valdosta State University monitors a variety of measures of student achievement including enrollment, retention, and degrees conferred. 

The Office of Strategic Research and Analysis annually publishes the VSU Fact Book that contains achievement data including:

Statistics in this source are revised annually, and Fact Books since 2003 are made available online

For VSU and other USG institutions, the University System of Georgia Office of Research and Policy Analysis provides historical data such as:

Useful data on VSU and many other institutions of higher education is available from College Navigator and The Education Trust’s College Results Online.

Because VSU’s Curriculum Inventory includes over 3,200 courses, course completion rates for all courses are not published online. Contact the Office of Strategic Research and Analysis directly with your request for completion rates for a specific course or courses.    

Learning outcomes for VSU's Core IMPACTS Curriculum and programs of study are published in the catalogs and results of assessment are available. Each course in the Core Curriculum meets one or more of the VSU General Education Learning Outcomes. VSU is also an affiliate institution of the University System of Georgia eCore which allows VSU students to enroll in online core courses. Information regarding research outcomes and learning outcomes for eCore courses is available in the eCore Fact Book.

The Academic Catalog serves as the official document which publish selected student learning outcomes (or educational outcomes) for students in every major. Students seeking data on achievement of student learning outcomes for a particular undergraduate or graduate program should submit their request to the program’s department head directly or send the request to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Many majors, particularly those that are recognized by specialized or professional accrediting organizations, have additional learning goals based on national standards or licensing requirements; those student achievement goals can be obtained directly from the major department or by accessing the websites of the appropriate specialized accrediting organization. 

Direct questions about this requirement to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.  [Top of Page]

Requirement: “The institution has readily available valid documentation for any statements and promises regarding such matters as program excellence, learning outcomes, success in placement, and achievements of graduates or faculty.”

Response: Valdosta State University discloses and provides documentation to support statements regarding program excellence, learning outcomes, and student success. 

Student Achievements:

The Office of Strategic Research and Analysis provides data about outcomes on the Consumer Information webpage and also collects and publishes:

The University System of Georgia provides a nice summary of VSU outcomes for enrollment, retention, graduation, affordability, and borrowing.

The Academic Catalog publishes selected student learning outcomes (or educational outcomes) for students in every major. Students seeking data on achievement of student learning outcomes for a particular undergraduate or graduate program should submit their request to the program’s department head directly or send the request to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

An additional measure of program excellence is the fact that many of VSU’s academic programs are recognized by specialized or professional accrediting entities; those programs are listed on the Accreditations and Memberships webpage and in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.

If applicable to the discipline, selected academic departments track and maintain data on student achievement with respect to national test or licensure results:

Faculty Achievements:

VSU's faculty members are highly competent and qualified, committed to academic excellence in the classroom and in scholarship and service. The VSU News website contains feature articles since 1998 highlighting successes and achievements of our faculty and staff. All faculty at VSU are academically-qualified to teach those courses assigned to them, and all full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty are evaluated annually and for promotion and tenure. For a detailed listing of scholarly activities, contact the desired department or send a request to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Should more detailed, granular data be needed, please contact the University’s Records Custodian to inquire about an Open Records request. 

Direct questions about this requirement to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.  [Top of Page]

Requirement: “The institution is expected (1) to accurately report to the public its status with SACSCOC; (2) to publish the name of its primary accreditor and its contact information in accordance with federal requirements; and (3) accurately disclose its accreditation status regarding any adverse actions such as Probation, Probation for Good Cause, or denial, withdrawal, or removal from membership.”

Response: Valdosta State University words statements about our current accredited status accurately and explicitly as required in Comprehensive Standard 14.1 (Publication of accreditation status) of the Principles of Accreditation. The principal locations where this statement appears are (1) the VSU SACSCOC webpage, (2) the Accreditations and Memberships webpage, and (3) the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.

Direct questions about this requirement to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.  [Top of Page]