Library Services Supporting Distance Education for Students

  • InterLibrary Loan: When Odum Library does not have the resource you are looking for, make an Interlibrary Loan request and we will find it at another library and send it to you.
  • Live Chat: Chat with us online during our reference hours and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • Research Appointments: If you are unable to come to campus, you can meet with a Reference Librarian online. Both phone appointments and appointments using video conferencing software (BlackBoard Collaborate, Skype, Zoom, etc.) are available. When completing the form, please indicate the type of appointment you need and a librarian will follow up with you via email.

Library-Related Services from Other Departments

Our Distance Learning Philosophy

"Access to adequate library services and resources is essential for the attainment of superior academic skills in post-secondary education, regardless of where students, faculty, and programs are located. Members of the distance learning community are entitled to library services and resources equivalent to those provided for students and faculty in traditional campus settings." (ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services)