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VSU Professor publishes major business law textbooks

August 28, 2000

VSU Professor publishes major business law textbooks

West Business Publishing has recently released two books by Dr. S. Andrew Ostapski, an associate professor of management in Valdosta State University's College of Business Administration. The books, titled Business Law: the Game - Student Gamebook and Business Law: the Game - Instructor's Gamebook, are based upon the innovative teaching practices Ostapksi has developed in his classes at VSU.

The Game helps students develop a heightened focus on business law topics through teamwork, self-directed research and detailed written records. It develops interpersonal skills through team competition and evaluation of other team members. "I just put into writing what I was doing in the classroom," Ostapski said.
West is the business publishing division of Thomson Learning, one of the world's largest educational publishers.

West has given Ostapski's books their own logo, but it is marketing them as supplements to eight major business law texts. Among these is West's Business Law, the most used and respected business law text in the nation. One of its authors, Dr. Roger Miller, said that Ostapski's "wonderful teaching materials" impressed him. Ostapski's books, carrying VSU's name, are being released in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom and U.S.

"Business Law is the first of several �games' I'm developing," said Ostapski, a former winner of the Outstanding Teacher Award in VSU's College of Business. He is already working on the fourth "Game" book based on his teaching methods. Ostapksi has previously published 22 articles and two other books.

A Web site for The Game is available at For more information, contact the College of Business Administration at (912) 333-5991.
