Student Resources

Experiential Learning
Final Exam Sample Review Questions
Student Groups: MAA, and Research Opportunities
- (MAA) Mathematical Association of America - VSU Student Organization
- (MAA) Mathematical Association of America - VSU Student Organization Application Form
- Math Alliance
- Undergraduate Research Council
- Society of Physics Students (SPS)- The student led organization is planning several events this semester, including some guest speakers and a trip to the Kennedy Space Center. Scan here to join the GroupMe
- Physics and Astronomy Mentorship Program- Scan here to join the GroupMe
Mathematics Scholarships
- Elizabeth Joy Lohmar Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior or returning senior mathematics major who has maintained a 3.0 GPA or better and who has displayed a combined interest in scholastic and extracurricular activities, as chosen by the Mathematics Department.
- Mrs. Maya Goel Scholarship: This scholarship was created to honor the memory of Mrs. Maya Goel. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior or returning senior mathematics major who has maintained a 3.3 GPA or better, as chosen by the Department of Mathematics.
- Gerald Petrella Award for Outstanding Student Achievement in Mathematics Education.
- Department of Mathematics Outstanding Student in Mathematics Award.
Sample Departmental Course Syllabi
- MATH 0996 - Support for Elementary Statistics
- MATH 0997 - Support for Quantitative Reasoning
- MATH 0998 - Support for Mathematical Modeling
- MATH 0999 - Support for College Algebra
- MATH 1001 - Quantitative Reasoning
- MATH 1111 - College Algebra
- MATH 1101 - Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
- MATH 1112 - Trigonometry
- MATH 1113 - Pre-Calculus
- MATH 1113H - Mathematical Reasoning
- MATH 1261 - Survey of Calculus I
- MATH 1401 - Elementary Statistics
- MATH 2008 - Foundations of Numbers and Operations
- MATH 2261 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus
- MATH 2262 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
- MATH 2263 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
- MATH 3161 - Mathematics for Early Childhood Teachers I
- MATH 3162 - Mathematics for Early Childhood Teachers II
- MATH 3180 - Mathematics for Middle School Teachers
- MATH 3190 - Algebra and Geometry for Teachers
- MATH 4161 - Mathematical Reasoning
- MAED 3500 - Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Middle Grades Mathematics
- MAED 4500 - Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Secondary Mathematics
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698