
About VoiceThread
VoiceThread is an asynchronous learning tool for enhancing student engagement and online presence. With VoiceThread, instructors and students can create, share, and comment on images, PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio files, and documents. Conversations may take place in real-time or asynchronously through contributed comments with microphone, text, webcam video, telephone, or uploaded audio/video files. Think of VoiceThread as bringing the in-person classroom discussion to a virtual space.
Not only can VoiceThread be used to communicate and connect in online courses, it can also be used to:
- replace text-only discussions
- create interactive lectures
- foster collaborative projects
- support UDL principles
- schedule office hours
- continue professional development
Create in VoiceThread
Upload, share and discuss documents, presentations, images, audio files and videos. Over 50 different types of media can be used in a VoiceThread.
Share in VoiceThread
Keep a VoiceThread private, share it with specific people, or open it up to the whole class.
Comment in VoiceThread
Comment on VoiceThread slides using one of five powerful commenting options: microphone, webcam, text, phone, and audio-file upload. This video demonstrates how to make comments.
VoiceThread for Instructors
Instructor Guides and Videos
For a step-by-step introductory guide to VoiceThread, view the VoiceThread Instructor Guide.
See the full VoiceThread integration with D2L (BlazeVIEW) here:
For more specific guidance, please view the videos below:
- Setting Up a Watch Assignment
- Setting Up a Create Assignment
- Setting Up a Comment Assignment
- Grading Assignments
VoiceThread Digital Library
VoiceThread is a versatile tool and can also be used in other ways in your course, such as students or groups creating VT presentations. VoiceThread maintains a digital library of successful examples organized by categories such as Foreign Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, ESL, Professional Development, etc. For more information and to see examples, visit the VoiceThread Digital Library.
To register for an upcoming live workshop or access categorized archived workshops, visit the VoiceThread Workshops page.
VoiceThread for Students
Student Guides and Videos
For a step-by-step introductory guide to VoiceThread, view the VoiceThread Student Guide.
For more specific guidance, please view the videos below:
Mobile App
VoiceThread has a free mobile application that can be found on the Google Play Store or iTunes.
For instructions on configuring the VoiceThread Mobile App, please view the VoiceThread Mobile App setup guide.
VoiceThread Universal for Screen Readers
VoiceThread Universal allows for easier usage with screen readers. If you would like to use a screen reader with VoiceThread, please remember to change the setting on your VoiceThread to be VoiceThread Universal.
For more information, visit VoiceThread Universal (for screen readers).
VoiceThread Support Email: support@voicethread.com
For more information on VoiceThread, please contact the Center for eLearning at 229-245-6490 or blazeview@valdosta.edu.
Center for eLearning
Converse Hall
Suite 3200
Email Address
blazeview@valdosta.edu -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.245.6490
Office Hours
M-Th: 8 AM - 5:30 PM
F: 8 AM - 3 PM