Campus Alert

December 29, 2024: Phones Down

April 18, 2017

Jessica Pope
Communications and Media Relations Coordinator

VSU Presents De-Stress Fest April 26

VALDOSTA — Valdosta State University will present De-Stress Fest from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, in the Student Union Ballroom. Students are encouraged to take a break from the end-of-semester rush and enjoy some dog therapy, chair massages, stress balls, coloring, games, free samples, and more.

“Finals are a very stressful time of year, and we are happy to provide some outlets for our students to take a break from studying and relieve some of their stress with fun and relaxing activities,” shared Chelsea Wells Holcombe, VSU Campus Recreation’s wellness and promotions coordinator.

De-Stress Fest is sponsored by VSU’s Campus Recreation, Campus Wellness, and Counseling Center, with support from Valdosta Chiropractic and Rehab, Tropical Smoothie, Mindful Massage and Bodywork, Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, Healing Paws, BARC Humane Society Inc., and VSU’s Odum Library, Center for Outdoor Recreational Experiences, Student Success Center, and Student Health Center.

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