Campus Alert

December 29, 2024: Phones Down

November 11, 2012

Sara Lynn McCall, Graduate Assistant

International Education Week Nov. 12-16

VALDOSTA – Valdosta State University's Center for International Programs has partnered with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages to participate in International Education Week from Nov. 12-16, which celebrates and promotes international education and exchange worldwide.

This joint effort of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education highlights the benefits of both inbound and outbound international programs, ranging from international students coming to the U.S. to American students participating in study abroad. 

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed the International Education Week Proclamation, affirming the commitment to recognize the importance of international education in the classroom and the community. 

The Center for International Programs and the Department of Modern and Classical Languages are sponsoring events throughout the week to highlight the benefits and importance of international education, exchange, travel and awareness. 

List of events:

Monday, Nov. 12

11:00 - 11:50 a.m.: Psychology in the Czech Republic study abroad information session in the Psychology Building, Room 1302

12:00 -12:50 p.m. Paris Study Abroad Informational meeting, University Center, Rm. 1144. The session is open to everybody. Refreshments will be provided.  

Tuesday, Nov. 13

2 - 3 p.m.: Information meeting about the study abroad program in Costa Rica. Location:
Center for International Programs, on Georgia Avenue, next to the Student Health Center.

4 - 5 p.m.: Information meeting about the study abroad program in Madrid, Spain
Location:Center for International Programs, on Georgia Avenue, next to the Student Health Center.

The BCM is also hosting an international dinner event for all students.

Wednesday, Nov. 14

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Study abroad information table at the Student Union. Students can come to the table and learn about summer and semester long study abroad programs. There will be VSU students who have studied abroad as well as VSU faculty who take students abroad on faculty-led study abroad programs.

12 - 12:50 p.m.: Psychology in the Czech Republic study abroad information session in the Psychology Building, Room 1302

5:00 – 6:00 pm. Interest and Information meeting for the Nicaragua Study Abroad Program. Location: Carswell Hall.

Thursday, Nov. 15

11: 30 am – Philosophy and Religious Studies in Greece and Turkey Information Session. Ashley Hall, Rm. 1212.

12:30 - 1:20 p.m.: Psychology in the Czech Republic study abroad information session in the Psychology Building, Room 1302

7 p.m.: Movie night at the Center for International Programs (movie TBD)

Friday, Nov. 16

2 p.m.: International Dinner potluck (in lieu of normal coffee hour) at the Center for International Programs

For more information about any of the events, please contact the Center for International Programs, at 229-333-7410 or visit or The VSU Study Abroad Facebook page can be found at!/InternationalProgramsAtVsu?fref=ts.


