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Mac and Marga Awards Presented to Outstanding Seniors

May 15, 2012

Mac and Marga Awards Presented to Outstanding Seniors


VALDOSTA -- The Sigma Alpha Chi Honor Society honored its Mac Award and Marga Award recipients at Valdosta State University’s Academic Honors and Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 3. The prestigious awards spotlight an outstanding man and woman in the senior class, who have demonstrated academic superiority while participating in at least three campus organizations.

Cadet Ira B. Collier, of Newnan, was recognized as the 2012 Mac Award recipient. Collier is a member of the Blazer Corps of Cadets, Air Force ROTC, Arnold Air Force Society, Georgia Air Force Association and Baptist Collegiate Ministry. He has received several honors including Georgia Air Force Association Cadet of the Year, Meritorius Service Ribbon, AFROTC Scholarship, Air Force Association Award, AS300 of the Year, American Legion Scholastic Award, Silver Star, Warrior Spirit Award, American Veterans Award and Outstanding AS100 Cadet of the Semester. Collier’s ultimate professional goal is to become an officer in the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

The 2012 Marga Award was presented to Katie Wagnon, of Valdosta. Wagnon has been involved in several organizations on campus including Emerging, Existing and Experience Leaders, Honor Student Association, Student Government Association, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity and the Undergraduate Research Council. She was also an intern for the Valdosta Public Defender’s Office. Wagnon’s immediate plans include attending the University of Denver in the fall to pursue her doctorate degree in political science. Her career plans include becoming a professor or research analyst for a think tank.

The Mac and Marga Awards were two of several awards presented to VSU’s best and brightest during the Academic Honors and Awards Dinner. Other awards and recipients include:

Renee Terns, Outstanding College of the Arts Award

Laura Hanna, Clare Philips Martin Scholarship

Alexander Lawhorne and Matthew Portwood, Outstanding Students in Arts and Science 

Frank Visker, Outstanding Langdale College of Business Administration Senior Award 

Audrey Lee Dowis, Dewar College of Education Highest Academic Achievement Award 

Molly Waters, Outstanding Senior Nursing Student Award 

Kimberly Mears, George Gaumond Award presented by the Master of Library and Information Science 

Cadet Candace Brown, Most Outstanding AS300 Cadet presented by VSU’s Air Force ROTC 

Ryan Winkel, Outstanding Male Student Academic Athlete of the Year

Ashley Luther, Outstanding Female Academic Athlete of the Year

Kelly Davis, University System of Georgia Academic Recognition Day Award

Kelly Davis, Alpha Lambda Delta Marie Leonard Book Award
Jennifer Stakich and Christian Carter, Bartram Award for Intellectual Exploration
Savannah Spivey, American Association of University of Women Award
