Campus Alert

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VSU Hosts Causes Film Festival Jan. 24

January 21, 2009

Natalie Quinn, Student Intern

VSU Hosts Causes Film Festival Jan. 24

VALDOSTA - The second annual Causes Mini-Film Festival will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24, in the Bailey Science Auditorium Room 1011 with free admission for the entire community.

The locally initiated film festival will feature 90-second mini-documentaries which explore such themes as social injustice, gender equality and environmentalism. The Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice is sponsoring the event, which is designed to highlight issues of concern in the area and excite the community about affecting positive changes in the region.

The films will be uploaded and viewed directly from YouTube, the famous video-sharing Web site, on the showing date. Audience members will vote on their favorite video and the creators of the two most inspiring films will each receive $100.

“The prize money is just a little thank you for taking time to convey a message through this media,” said Dr. Mathew Richards, coordinator of the event. “We hope the prize money and recognition of the event will grow after people realize the impact this small group of folks has on the way the community thinks and acts.”

Causes was first held last January with many amazing documentaries that touched issues such as pollution, vegetarianism, dangers of plastic bags, VSU parking, mountain-top removal and freedom of speech on campus.

Andrea Zvikas, co-coordinator of the event, said this year’s Causes will run smoothly and has attracted even more inspirational and touching videos for audience members to enjoy. Call Richards at (229) 333-5485 or e-mail him at for more information about the festival.
